Results – PixelPipe Rundown

Pixel pipe is still in its early stages, the blogging capabilities are basic, but the I guess the only reason that I am using it is because of the uploading capabilities from my iphone.


I seem to still be limited to only pictures and video on my phone, while on a computer I can upload any file I want. Why does is the “Choose File” button on safari always disabled?


(i know i know sigh)

But there microblogging works fine, accept that facebook and most video sites don’t update.


But the best part about pixelpipe is on the iphone app


you can take pictures or videos with your iphone and instantly add them to an upload queue which will broadcast your content to all the services that youve setup (ex. facebook, twitter, youtube, flikr etc.)


IMG_0002 IMG_0003

The most crucial part though is naming and tagging everything you want to upload


please becareful with this tool,


Press this button and every picture/video you’ve taken will be uploaded to all your sites.


Yes that's right every embarrassing photo that you made will be on flikr or every video that you accidentally recorded will be on you tube. You can delete but if you’re like me it would take hours to delete everything from every site.


Pixelpipe is by no means the only service that broadcasts to other services, there are others, and pixelpipe can connect to a few of them. One of them that i found is  ping.fmping

This is where things can get scaryUntitled-4

this is a list of the sites i can forward from


And since is an option on pixelpipe chain reactions can start, I already tested it out. if you set up the twitter service on you will get two twitter posts for every one you send through pixelpipe.



If you asked me this is rediculous, it seems all these sites are content hungry and all want you to make duplicates of the same stuff, we should have one collective place where all data upload and download is free, so we don’t have to clutter the internet with clone content. But until that day this seems the most efficient manner to broadcast myself (besides Qik… another story)

Posted on 6:12 AM by Rajah Mahsohn and filed under | 0 Comments »


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