Cheapest Domains

Im about to buy some domain and was wondering the cheapest one, i found this page which gave me a bunch of low cost up to date solutions(Actually they are all the same company...tricksters). Yahoo lured me in last year with a 9.99 domain, so I bought two. Now a year later I owe $70? huh?
Screw that, Im not getting myself into deals like that again so this blog entry is my attempt at cheap domains.

I found a cool site that lets you instantly see the status of what you type check it out.snapper1236358471349 by you.
 it will even compare prices, now I know godaddy is the standard but I can't go to their site and see the same price listed, the minimum I see is like $12 and they try to throw in hosting and other crap.
snapper1236358912057 by you.

anyways I found a site that I might go with called domaindo,

Its too bad everybody is just a reseller of somebody else these days, so domaindo ended up pointing to securepaynet

This seems to be the lowest I can reasonably find(if anyone knows where to get cheap reliable domains let me know)

The best thing about this that I didn't realize is $1.99 .info domains

its funny how many sites point to this one

Ive been looking for more hoting sites and this damn same site keeps popping up

snapper1236359999303 by you.

But now look at it $9.99? what!
this is either a badly executed affiliate service or this one company has mad a million hosting company clones that price themselves differently.

All this is leading me to ask some questions, why is .info able to be offered at $1.99 when there are millions of extensions which have the availiblity to be used, (.ws comes to mind).

I really hate searching for a .com or .net, .orgs are cool for open source or community sites but I want anyname I want and any extenstion I want.

Why can't I have a domain called rajah.mahsohn or at leist a domain called

other sites like play around with this idea but I want a real cool like .m or .zz or .sick
that way the porn websites could move to their own sick world of .slut .sex .xxx .farmanimal

so ive been reading articles like this and this and watching this

So .ws stands for western samoa, howver a company called Global domains international also has exclusive rights to sell through their network marketing company.

yet sells the domains too

snapper1236362116239 by you.

Look at the price for a 1 character domain name

who has such a tight grasp on these domains that they can be offered for such a price?
why don't more extensions exist? .fun .pix .tube .games .food .help
and why can whoever controls .info just change the price of it?

I think this blog entry turned from me finding a good domain company to asking the question
Who controls domains?

Posted on 10:00 AM by Rajah Mahsohn and filed under | 0 Comments »

Results – PixelPipe Rundown

Pixel pipe is still in its early stages, the blogging capabilities are basic, but the I guess the only reason that I am using it is because of the uploading capabilities from my iphone.


I seem to still be limited to only pictures and video on my phone, while on a computer I can upload any file I want. Why does is the “Choose File” button on safari always disabled?


(i know i know sigh)

But there microblogging works fine, accept that facebook and most video sites don’t update.


But the best part about pixelpipe is on the iphone app


you can take pictures or videos with your iphone and instantly add them to an upload queue which will broadcast your content to all the services that youve setup (ex. facebook, twitter, youtube, flikr etc.)


IMG_0002 IMG_0003

The most crucial part though is naming and tagging everything you want to upload


please becareful with this tool,


Press this button and every picture/video you’ve taken will be uploaded to all your sites.


Yes that's right every embarrassing photo that you made will be on flikr or every video that you accidentally recorded will be on you tube. You can delete but if you’re like me it would take hours to delete everything from every site.


Pixelpipe is by no means the only service that broadcasts to other services, there are others, and pixelpipe can connect to a few of them. One of them that i found is  ping.fmping

This is where things can get scaryUntitled-4

this is a list of the sites i can forward from


And since is an option on pixelpipe chain reactions can start, I already tested it out. if you set up the twitter service on you will get two twitter posts for every one you send through pixelpipe.



If you asked me this is rediculous, it seems all these sites are content hungry and all want you to make duplicates of the same stuff, we should have one collective place where all data upload and download is free, so we don’t have to clutter the internet with clone content. But until that day this seems the most efficient manner to broadcast myself (besides Qik… another story)

Posted on 6:12 AM by Rajah Mahsohn and filed under | 0 Comments »

Broadcast launch official with this blog entry

this is the last test that I have with Pixelpipe, so far it has worked wonderfully, except that some sites like facebook won’t post my pictures. But hopefully the “Quick Post” will change that, I am expecting all my blogs to update and hoping all the micro blogging and video sites show something. IMG_0020IMG_0019 (2)     

Posted on 12:14 PM by Rajah Mahsohn and filed under | 0 Comments »

Posted via Pixelpipe.
Posted on 11:00 PM by Rajah Mahsohn and filed under | 0 Comments »